Tag Archives: UFO

Jew of the Week: Stanton Friedman

The Flying Saucer Physicist

The Flying Saucer Physicist, Stanton Friedman

Stanton Terry Friedman (b. 1934) A nuclear physicist by training, he spent 14 years working on top-secret military, space and nuclear research projects. In 1970, he left this vocation to spread awareness of alien life. He has since become the world’s most famous UFOlogist and expert on extraterrestrials. He’s written over 90 papers and 5 books on alien life, provided testimony before Congress and twice before the United Nations. Friedman was one of the first to investigate the Roswell incident, and is credited with bringing its awareness to the mainstream. He often appeared on radio and television programs, and was inducted into the UFO Hall of Fame. He is known as the “flying saucer physicist”. 

UPDATE: Sadly, Stanton Friedman passed away on May 13, 2019.

Words of the Week

It is time for a wake-up call. We are not alone.
– Stanton Friedman